Monday, April 27, 2009

E.X.A.M 1~ done!


not much to talk today...just went back from pizza hut(keluar jenjalan as if the exam is over :p) first paper is done...
i hope everything went well...what done is done and what's left is to tawakkal to HIM...
i think i've given my very best and just pray that HE will grant me equally with the effort i gave...

oklah...i am supposed to study rite now yet i'm still typing this words here....heheheheh
three more papers to go and i tell you, they are killing me softly...huhu...dahla subject2 yang quite tough jugaklah...

i watched a touched yet shocking[to me] video taken from one of my friend's blog[credit to soleh] and it is about the reality that happen in the world today...very SAD because for about 22 years since i was born into this world, i did not know[i think the best word would be i did not bother to take note] and realize the current situation....ape punya orang la aku ni...=(

however, i will not insert the video here[i'm too lazy to do that] but if u are interested to watch it, just type in chicken a la carte at you tube and watch it yourself....huhu..

oklah, got to go...
want to continue my routine at this time being~study dengan penuh khusyuknya =p...
but before that, just wanna share sumthing with you...
[it is actually a lyric of a song sang by sheila majid and i found it very inspiringand close to me :P]

Setiap hari kumohon
Agar Kau sentiasa
Memberiku ketenangan dalam hati... kekuatan
Menempuh segala dugaan yang mencabar ini
Pasti punya ertinya
Engkau beriku harapan
Menjawab segala persoalan
Hadapi semua dengan tenang
Dengan merasa kesyukuran
Ku doa Kau selalu
Mengawasai gerak-geriku
Berkatilah ku penuh rahmat dari Mu
Oh Tuhan terangkan hati dalam sanubariku
Oh Tuhan ku berserah segalanya kepadamu
Agar jiwaku tenang dengan bimbingan Mu selalu
Ada kalanya ku merasa hidup ini seperti kaca
Jikalau tidak bersabar
Hancur berderailah akhirnya
Tabahkanlah hatiku
Melalui semua itu...
Cekalkanlah diriku
Curahkanlah nikmat Mu pada hidupku
till then,
salam and bye bye bye....
p/s: pray for me so that i can do well in exam :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

my superhero and superheroin ^_^


hehe..i am supposed to study rite now but i feel that i have to take a break for a moment..
my brain is being cramped with all the study thingy and i feel like puke when looking at those stuff.. so..this is what i choose to do..
heheh..upload gambar..
tah la,sesaje je sebenarnya...

oklah, for your info, gambar di bawah ni adalah gambar my beloved father whom we called him as [my siblings n I] pa....
apa pendapat korang tgk gambar tu?hehheheheh...lawak kan?
dengan gaya otroman yag tak mcm otroman, batman yang tak mcm batman..dan sebagainya lah...
sebenarnya ayah aku cuba nak wat gaya dirinya orang terkenal yg malu diambil gambar oleh reporter..
hahahha..TERSANGATLAH lawaknye..hehe
dengan jam kat dua dua belah tangan, sunglasses n specs kat atas kepala, kat leher baju and kat mata...
mesti boleh tahu kan ayah aku ni mcm mana in person..
ya,he's really a FUNNY guy..
and that is his utmost quality that i like ^_^
he really makes our day and die buat seisi rumah tak hambar...
but, at times, when he is mad, never and dont ever make jokes with him, or else...
adelah yang kena marah nanti..hehe...we are used to it...
[aku dah pernah kene..hehe...mengalir gak air mata :P]

mase kitorang kecik2 dulu,
he is verrrrrrrry busy and did not really have time to spend with us..
kadang2 aku jealous jgk dgn kawan2 aku yg lain...kenapa?
coz diorang ada ayah yang leh awak gi jalan2 nek motor or kete
coz dorang ada ayah yang selalu ada di rumah
coz dorang ada ayah yang will always be there when sumthing happen
tapi ayah aku lain dari yang lain....

but, at times, I learn to accept the fact that
whatever he done is actually for the sake of us...
he wants to make us happy and get want we want
i think, this is the price that we[him as well] has to pay....
we have to sacrifice to get the best, kan?

[kenapa tiba2 je tulis ni?tah la..aku rasa rindu lak kat ayah dan mak aku ni]
the woman next to him is my mother..
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my mother ^_^
she is different from my father... a bit firm and sensitive at times..
but she can be ur best buddy when u want to go out ....
just tell her where u want to go, she wont say NO!
hehehe...memang kaki jalan skit kitorang..pantang ade masa terluang je...huhuh
she is a bit firm but when it comes to certain things,
she doesnt know how to scold u!really, i tell u!! its no joke..hehe..
take this for example, even when my 12-year-old sister who will be sitting for UPSR exam is playing with barbie doll and singing song at the tv happily as if there is nothing will take place at the end of the year,
she did not have the heart to scold her..
aku pulak yang marah2 and tegas dengan dia!!hehe...terbalik pulak..huhuh
and one more thing u should know bout her is that
SHE IS REALLY REALLY REALLY A GREAT COOK!! or should i say, chef in the making??
heheh...[just look at how chubby we are]
huhuh..ini semua jasa mak aku :P
sebut je nak makan ape..mesti dia akan masak punya la...yang pelik2 lak tuh...hmmmm sedapnya!!
murtabak biskut, bergedil daging special, kuzi ayam, nasi dagang, nasi ayam, nasi bukhori, puding buih,murtabak ikan, rendang ayam kampung,sambal tumis bilis yang sedap[kata fiera]
huhuhu....sebut je nk ape...insyaALLAH dia leh wat tapiiiii kecuali western food..dia tak bape reti sgt...hhuh...
[my stomach is growling sekarang]:P
banyak sebenarnya nak coret sal my beloved pa n ma...tapi i think i better stop now...
time to continue study lak..huhuh
mak aku juga is a great motivator...cikgu la katakan....
oklah, aku berhenti di sini dulu..
kalo nak dengar sambungan, lain kali pulak ye...hehehe
till then,
salam and bye bye bye...
p/s: rasa nak makan masak lemak telur masin yg mak aku wat la plak...hmmmm...sedapppnyaaa...

Friday, April 24, 2009

makna sebuah pertolongan

salam to all

actually, im not in the mood to write today!!
but, something happen and it makes me annoyed a bit
and it urges me to post this!!
aahhh!!! tak kire...nak tulis gak...

went to maktab today
quite pissed off and it struck to me that, takpalah...what goes round will come around
tak nak tolong aku kali ni, nanti2 orang tak tolong *awak* jugak...kan?
kalo kita tolong orang , nanti ALLAH bukakan hati orang lain tolong kita pulak....
hmmmm...mcm ni la manusia

kadang2 bila kita ada kuasa
kadang2 bila kita di atas
kadang2 bila kita lebih tinggi dari orang
kita akan rasa kita ni TAK PERNAH BUAT SALAH
kita akan rasa kita ni PERFECT
kita akan rasa kita ni HEBAT
kita akan rasa kita lah yang BESAR
kita akan rasa kita ni MULIA


pernah ke kita fikir,
kita lah yang sebenarnya paling banyak buat silap
kita lah yang sebenarnya paling banyak buat orang sakit hati
kita lah yang sebenarnya paling banyak buat orang tak suka kita
kita lah yang sebenarnya paling banyak buat masalah kat orang

sebab tu lah,
apa yang penting
kita sentiasa tolong orang n wat baik2 kat orang
mak aku selalu kata "BUAT BAIK SEMATA-MATA"
biarlah orang nk wat jahat kat kita pun
[tapi....ckp memanglah senang...nak buat tu, boleh ke?? larat ke?? sanggup ke??]

aku akui kdg2 apa yang aku tulis kat sini,
bukan semuanya aku buat
bukan semuanya aku ikut
aku selalu jgk mengumpat kawan2[***cross finger ***]
aku selalu jgk mengata kt lecturer yang aku tak suka
aku selalu jgk kata2 yg kasar2 yg leh wat org lain terasa
aku selalu jgk stereotype orang
aku selalu jgk berprasangka buruk kat orang

kalo aku tak puas hati, aku suarakan guna suara hati aku
kalo aku tak suka, aku suarakan melalui mimik muka
kalo aku tak berkenan, aku tak ambil atau tak buat benda tu..
so jgn expect aku SEMPURNA

aku+sempurna= a BIG no no!!

jauh sekali...

aku tulis suma2 ni
untuk reflect diri aku sendiri
untuk remind diri aku sendiri
untuk sedarkan diri aku sendiri
aku nak jadi orang yang baik yang kawan2 aku pernah kenal
aku nak duduk dalam ingatan dorang sebagai orang yang baik
dan aku rasa, bila kau tulis mcm ni,
brulah aku sedar yg sebenarnya aku ni bnyak lagi yng tak lengkapnya!!

ok lah,
aku nk stop sini dulu lah!

till then,
salam and bye bye bye -_-

p/s: aku still rasa pissed off lagi....

Monday, April 20, 2009

ikhlaskah aku??


agak lama jugak lah tak menulis atau post entry yang ade filling kan...
huhuhu..takde idea lah..
sekarang ni, idea tu cam mencurah2 je nak datang
[petanda nak suh aku update blog lah tu..hehe..]

oklah enough pasal ni...
sebelum masuk ke tajuk utama
nak citer skit yang sebenarnya....
hari ni adalah hari last untuk science, after this,
there will be no more science class anymore [no concept map lagi...huahauahauahua]
sedih jugak lah...
coz walaupun she is not our class's favourite lecturer
and slalu je buat kitorang rase down after her class,

but still,
we owe her so much....
for all her advices (altho there are some times where it is quite harsh)
for all her words (da di da di da...hehe)
for all her lessons
we owe her that much!!
maam, THANKS for everthing u gave us
[as if she is going to read this -_-]

aku dapat rasakan yang dia tahu kitorang tak berapa sukakan dia
but yet,
she still teach us
she still give advice to us
and most importantly,
we are very sorry and thanks to her!
oklah, i think its better for me to stop takling pasal ni lagi...

her story will be parts of our life that we will left behind
and it will always be a memory, regardless it is sweet or bitter
but still, we cherished it =)

now, back to our topic

aku nak tanya
baru tadi aku terfikir balik yang apa yang aku buat selama ni
adakah aku lakukan ia dgn ikhlas atau aku ada niat lain disebaliknya?
i don't just struck to me just now
maybe ni peringatan dari ALLAH nak suh aku sedar yang aku perlu teliti dan kaji balik niat aku..
aku ikhlas ke tak?
semuanya yang aku buat selama ni....
dengan mak ayah
dengan kawan baik aku
dengan kawan2
dengan semua orang lah!

dan aku fikir,
susah nak ikhlas sebenarnya
mcm aku tulis entry ni lah!
aku betul2 ikhlas nak tulis ke atau just for the sake of posting new entry??
entahlah! aku tak dapat beri jawapan yang pasti
tapi aku harap ianya adalah kerana aku betul2 ikhlas nk kongsi ngan orang lain pasal ni

mcm lecturer aku tadi
walaupun dia selalu marah2 kitorang
walaupun dia selalu buat kitorang down
walaupun kitorang selalu hampakan dia
at least dia ikhlas nak ajar kitorang
maybe cara dia mcm tu kot
[ade aku postkan entry pasal ni before]
coz ade sesetengah orang cara dia mcm tu skit, serius je tapi sebenarnya dia ok!
nampak dia ikhlas nak ajar
dan bila dia kata
"ape pun, sebagai cikgu, kita kena halalkan ilmu yang kite beri pada murid2"
aku rasa sedih jugak la sikit...
insyaALLAH aku akan ingat ni when i am out for school later...

manusia ni memang ALLAH cipta tak perfect
kerana kalau perfect, mesti hidup ni tak menarik
takde warna2 yang pelik yang akan corakkan hidup kita
takde apa2 yang best yang leh wat kita seronok

sama macam hati kitalah,
tak perfect jugak
coz kita sendiri pun tak tahu kita ni ikhlas ke tak
kerana hati manusia ni tak tetap
bolak balik, sekejap nak macam tu, sekejap nak macam ni
sebab tu, belum tentu kita sendiri tahu apakah niat kita yang sebenarnya...
hanya ALLAH je yang tahu apa yang ada dalam hati kita
kerana Dia yang lebih dekat ngan kita

apapun, aku akan cuba IKHLASKAN hati aku kerana ALLAH
tu lah.... agak payah
tapi .....apapun, aku akan cuba kuatkan hati
dan apa yang penting
hati hendak, semua jadi...kan? kan?
setuju tak?? hehehe...

oklah, i think i want to stop here
dah banyak yang aku bebelkan kat sini...

till then,

salam dan bye bye bye

p/s: this is just a reminder for me, and hopefully for u too ^_^

Thursday, April 16, 2009



now i'm in the middle of study week...went home for a while before the exam coming....
relax myself with all the comfort that home offers...hahah..rasa mcm tak mau blik la plak...

been expecting many things to happen after this
- trip to pangkor
- jalan2 cari rumah
- there will be no HOLIDAYS for me =(

i started to feel the tension of changes
i HATE changes
but yet, i have to go through it...
and i must admit that changes is good for our own sake

been waiting for the book fair---> will be going after i'm back in KL
tak sabar rasanya nak puaskan hati tgk LOTS n LOTS n LOTS n LOTS n LOTS of bookssss......
tak sabar rasanya nak jumpa ngan penulis kesayangan ....=p
ah!!! i can't wait!! [hehe]...
for sure, sum of money will be spent and after that, i have to start saving money again...haih...

entry kali ni entah apa2 je yang aku tulis...
tah, KOSONG je rasa sekarang
bnyk menda yg difikirkan rite now


ok la....
daripada melalut yang tak tentu pasal better stop now!

till then,
salam dan ta ta ti ti tu tu ^_^

Thursday, April 9, 2009

salam to all

not in the mood of writing yet...quite tired but i must say that i had a GREAT FUN at seafield!!
yeah! in fact, this is a very LAST assignment before we move to UM...-_-;

at least, we got to enjoy ourself till the very last moment we were in college...
i'm not really sure whether we still got the chance to conduct any workshop(s) again in the future [can sumone, mybe the senior help me to answer this?....]

oklah, actually today, i dont have any topic in common but i just want to answer some questions...hhahahha i've been tagged by naem...[sori naem, kami jwb lambat skit]

1. Do You Think you're HOT???
HOT?? this word doesn't seem to go with me.....hmmmmmm...

2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda?
3. Kenapa anda suka gambar in?
this is my cohort's picture...i like it very much ^_^
cohort 4-one band one sound one BIG family

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
pizza? hmm...let's see...somewhere in march...domino's pizza...sedap jgk lah!

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
boys like girls-the great escape

6. Apa yg sedang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini?
dengar lagu kat no.5 lah!....pastu tgh fikir samada nak hantar reflection tomorrow or next monday....

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan panggilan apa?
my friends used to call me illi, some will call me illina, family calls me Na, anything will do...i'm not really fussy bout it...but, plez i dont like to be call wan!! T.T

8. Tag lagi 6 org *soalan seterusnya ada kaitan dengan orang yang anda tag![susunan mengikut kata hati]
2.radunk chumil
3. su
6.naem lah...hahhah

9. Siapa No.1 pada anda?
my best fren...i know her since the first day i enter college..heheh...almost 4 years we've been fren...dia seorang yg bunchet...=p

10. Org No.3 ada hubungan dengan sesiapa? number 3 yer...ada2 tapi bf die kt kampung..namanya idzham...[su, ye ke kak ili eja nih?]

11. Kata sesuatu berkenaan org no.5
she's also my classmate...since foundation lgi..hehe...almost 4 years we are studying in the same class...riena, boring ke tgk saya? hahhahha

12.Bagaimana dengan org No.4?
lanie? she's my eldest sister...we are quite close...selalu jgk datang kl n kitorang pegi shopping sama2..hahah..dua2 kepala gila skit bab2 shopping nih!!...=p

13.Siapa org No.2?
person no 1's boyfriend...hehhe...bajet chumil la konon....huhu...dua2 pun bunchetttt ...heheh...jgn marah ye =D

14. Bagi pesanan pada org No.6
naem, tu la kami dah ckp, jgn wat cmtu kat kami...tgk apa dah jdi pada hampa tadi kat skool...kan dah susah...=p

ok lah!
i think that's all for now
got to go...nak wat reflection for writing

till then,
salam and bye bye bye

p/s: i'll update anything later k...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

dedicated to all cohort 4 ^_^


still in leaving-maktab-soon mode
haiz....i know i shouldn't be doing this...
[complaining about the dont-want-to-move-to-UM feeling]
but i just did...
after all, let the new page begin!

oklah, to all my coursemates, i dedicate this specially for you guys!
ENJOY!! \(^_^)/

the journey begin
on the 4th of July, 2005
date of rememberance for all of us
young, at that time
we carved new episodes in life
sailed through the obstacles sea
building up coinfidence
adding up new friends in list
surviving without beloved family besides

the "spooky" hostel was our new house
the bathroom
the common room
the library
the class
TESL block
we left all the comforts behind
to juggle through new life as students
and this is the price we pay to be
a great social engineer

orientation week will still be our greatest experience
"abang2 dan kakak2 senior, kami lapar, kami nak makan, boleh takkk??"
it will always be the best lullaby
"kemahiran mendengar"
will always be the best exercise we ever have
although the strenous week made us sick
but still, we've gone through it

when stress are knocking at the door,
when hectic says hi to us
when assignments starts to overflow
when quizzes starts to push our head to the max
when workshops starts to tickle off our bones
still, succeedly, we've gone through it

and now,
after 4 years
all become grown ups
unique in their own way
joy, laughter, tears, pain
we share together
no one to miss it
and we still
be as one

and now,
we are going to open a new page in our life
we are going to sail to a new sea in our journey
we are going to plant a new seed in our garden of knowledge
things will still be the same
no matter what
no matter how

so, friends
let us cherish our moments together!!

till then

salam and bye bye bye...


Saturday, April 4, 2009


kenangan dolu-dolu


pepagi buta dah terpacak depan lappy
hajat nk tidur tapi mata tak mengantuk lagi
so, blogging la jawabnya ^_*

i was browsing thru of one of my cohort-mate's blog just now and she talked bout leaving college thingy and the feeling of the orientation-week-was-just-last-month
i am quite touched with her entry
and suddely started to remember all the things we do together
all the laughter and tears and joys in class
foundation days
B.ED days
oh! how im going to miss it all...
ah!! walk down the memory lane lagi....

sedih lah nak tinggalkan maktab ni sebenarnya T_T;
walaupun pertama kali jejakkan kaki kat sini
aku ada beberapa persepsi negatif
dengan hostel yang ala2 spooky
dengan bilik air yang ada stalatit dan stalagmit (hehehe...=p)
dengan cafe yang terletak kt bawah, kena climb tangga kalo nk naik
dengan library yang aku rasa library sekolah aku lebih ok lagi
dengan environment yg macam sekolah
dengan seniors2 yang agak kerek dan garang(at that time)
dengan lecturer2 yang berbagai ragam


banyak kenangan manis+pahit+masam+masin tercipta disini
disinilah aku membesar
disinilah aku matang
disinilah aku tahu sapa kawan, sapa lawan
disinilah aku tahu manusia ni rambut je sama hitam, tapi hati lain2
disinilah aku dpt lihat cerita2 yang selalu tayang kat tv, "ter"tayang kat sini
disini jugaklah aku kenal dunia
*well, duduk KeyEll katakan* hahhahahah =p

we are going to move to UM soon
this july, we will start our journey as UM students
i dont know what is in store for me
but, definitely, it is going to be a different sail
it wont be the same anymore
no one to look after me( i mean the 73 of us)
no one to check our assignment drafts anymore
no one to give advice to us for our wrongdoings(errr...yeke? heh)
no one to spoonfeed us with the tutorial work
no one to tell what topics will be coming in the tests, exams
and the most of all
we wont have any chance to go to school conducting workshops anymore

yet, life have to go on
and all i can do is to pray hard that
i can survive in that U
just like what i did when i am in college

kawan2, hopefully when we are in UM later
we will still be together
although we will choose our own path,
but the friendship knot that we tie
will not break =)


till then,

salam and bye bye bye

p/s: teringat lecture assessment, bile kena mrh ngan miss ng sebab mai lewat, hahhahahah...aku nanges! then, teringat dolu2 mase faoudation, bile aku je yg selalu kena usik ngan kwan2....hahahhahaa...naifnya aku ..

i'm a grown-up already!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

don't judge a book by its cover


takde apa2 yang menarik nak diceritakan hari ni
nothing fancy, hambar sikit today...
uuummm....hidup aku memang sedikit hambar pun
straight je, takde pun belok2....*_*

dont judge a book by its cover
kita selalu dengar kan idiom ni....
siapa yg tak pernah dengar, *angkat tangan* ^_^

bukan ape,idiom ni bagi aku,
sangat lah dekat ngan kita
kenapa aku ckp cmtu?

mcm perangai lah
orang tengok dia ni
muka serius je
cakap macam nak marah
perlakuan sedikit kasar
kalau org cakap, mcm endah tak endah je reaction

dan lepas tu,
orang akan kata ape
tahu tak?

"eh, dia tu menyakitkan hati lah"
"ish, aku tak suka la dgn dia"
"ko tahu tak dia tu kalo aku gtau ape2, bukannya nk dengar pun, menyampah ah!"
"takut aku nak tegur dia, masam je 24 jam"
"dia cakap kasar lah kan?"
*lebih kurang mcm tu lah*

kita akan mudah fikir yg bukan2 pasal dia dengan lihat ekspresi muka cmtu
kita akan mudah ada persepsi negatif pasal dia
dan indirectly, kita dah buat
assumption yang tak betul pasal dia
dan akan terbitlah
muka2 masam
tak suka
kutuk mengutuk kat belakang
@_@ ------> aku lah ni =p

mungkin itu cara dia
mungkin itu sikap natural dia
he's born with it
she's born with it
kat rumah dia memang mcm tu pun
dgn kawan2 dia memang mcm tu pun

so, apa yg kita nk ckp?
kita dah buat fitnah kat dia
fikir bukan2
dan tak pasal2 dapat dosa kering je
(manusia memang mcm ni, tak perfect)

so, moral of the story
setiap org ada cara sendiri
setiap org ada sikap sendiri
setiap orang ada hari2 ok dia sendiri
setiap orang ada hari2 tak ok dia sendiri
setiap orang ada natural dia sendiri
setiap orang unik dlm cara dorang sendiri

so kita kena terima la
mybe kita akan fikir,
kenapa aku je kena cope / adapt ngan dia?
kenapa aku je kena tahan ngan dia?


pernah tak fikir,
yang kawan2 kita pun sebenarnya kena adapt ngan kita
yang kawan2 kita pun sebenarnya kdg2 kena tahan dgn perangai kita
kita sebenarnya complement each other
learn to accept our weaknesses before simply talk about others' weaknesses
elakkan dari duduk dalam zon selesa je..
kalo selalu wat mcm tu, kita akan ingat
kita je yg terbaik

oklah, aku nk berhenti sini shj

till then,
salam and bye bye bye

p/s: as always, this is just a reminder for me
and hopefully for u too...
change ourselves for the better ^_^



for the past few days, i feel that some things are really is...and i dont really like it.
its not that i hate changes but i feel like things wont be the same anymore..and there would be no ROUTINE !yeah, the usual routine u used to be comfortable with...

-_-; haiz....what to do??
life is just life
time will fly
and we have to go on with it....

dah banyk rasanya aku mengeluh...

walaupun dah submit assisgment, i still feel the strenous pain from that hectic week
rasa mcm nak habiskan sume and get over it...
YEAY YEAY....^_^

mcm tagline aussino

yup, its really true
in ALL ways...
HOME will be the most comfort place for us
HOME will be the most cozy place we ever have
HOME will be the most "bestest" place for us

hhmm..enough bout home
nanti homesick lak..

ok lah, dah rasa mengantuk sekarang
better chow dulu..

till then,
salam and bye bye bye bye


saye nak balik rumah!
tak sabar nya!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

hargailah orang disekeliling kita =)


setelah beberapa lama tak meng"update" blog, akhirnya hari ni aku wat keputusan nak jadi rajin sekejap...huhu..

uurmm, actually, i dont have any topic in mind to be talked about
just want to ponder on things happened lately
many things happen and luckily, some are still the same, naseb...=)

value peoples around us!
bcoz, we wont be what we are today without them..
parents are important
friends are important
so, start treausure them today!!

imagine kalo takde sapa2 dekat ngan kita
pada siapa yg kita nk citekan masalah?
pada siapa yg kita nk harapkan klo sakit?
mak ayah jauh
adik beradik jauh
kawan je yang rapat


kita takde kawan
mcm mana nk buat?
alamatnya, kita menangis sorang2 la
kita simpan masalah sorang2 la
dan kita "meletup" pun sorang2 la...
masa tu, mesti kita rasa
rugiiiiiii sangat takde kawan...

ye...aku tahu manusia ni mcm2 ragam
mcm2 perangai
tapi kita kena belajar give and take dgn dorang lah!
mana boleh kita nak suruh orang adapt dgn kita je
kita pun kena belajar adapt dengan orang juga..

ada ramai orang yang tak sebulu dengan orang lain
kerana perangai mereka berbeza
tapi, mana kita tahu kalo lah tiba2 dengan perangai yang berbeza tu menyebabkan dorang akan lebih rapat lgi...
who knows kan?
ALLAH ada mcm2 plan untuk hamba2Nya...

the way of our upbringing is different
our mother's attitude
our father's attitude
it will shape us differently
and that will make us special in our own way!!

if we think we are special
value it!
and if we think others are special too!
value them the way we value ourselves..
sayangi kwan2 mcm mana kita sayang diri kita sendiri
mcm tu, mesti kita akan lebih

oklah, aku rasa smpai sini je nk reflect2 pun..
till then,
salam and byee byee byee...

p/s: sekadar unrtuk renungan kita bersama
tak ada kena mengena antara yang hidup atau yang telah mati
jika ada, hanyalah satu kebetulan...=P