Saturday, May 23, 2009

dah lama tak ber"blog" =)


bru smpai dri kedah ptg tadi n now dah mengadap laptop kerna nk menjawab tag org2 yg menge"tag" saya...hehe...[padahal rindu nk ber'blog'...;p]

seronoknya cuti2 hari tu...rehat2 kat rumah...jalan2 kat rumah...tido2 kat rumah...tgk2 tv kat rumah...baca2 novel kat rumah....pendek kata, semuanya leisure nye activities la....biasala...exam dah habis \ ^_^ /

cerita2 bru semasa cuti?? ada...banyakkk...nanti la aku cerita kan di sini..tapi sedkit boring la cuti kali ni coz bila balik rumah, rasa cm tak cuti je...sume orng takde kt rumah...seme pakat2 bz je...=(
jdi penunggu rumah la sekejap cuti baru2 ni...haih!!

oklah, aku nk jawab ni dulu, then the rest, cerita lain kali lah!

5 brand that you like the most
~body glove[tak thu nape?minat giler ngan barang2 die]
~Jemari Seni[publisher leh tak? hehe :p]
~tah la...asal benda tu quality, jenama blakang kira

5 brand that you dislike the most
~sony ericsson
~kilometrico[selalu takde dakwat]
~yg tak berkualiti
~tu je kot...tak thu la..

5 countries that you want to go the most
~Jepun[nk g sgt2!! hehe..]

5 countries that you do not want to go the most
~Vietnam[cm takut je negara ni]
~Timor Timur

5 item that you like the most
~siri realiti tv~ the amazing race, survivor, AF

5 item that you dislike the most
~Ular[tak suke!!!]

5 people that you love the most
~Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
~mak dan ayah tersayang
~adik2 tersayang
~sepupu2 tersayang
~kawan2 tersayang

5 people that you hate the most
~org yang suka menunjuk2
~org yang cakap tak serupa bikin
~org yang suka jaga tepi kain org
~kawan yg tikam belakang kawan
~tu je kot...

5 color that you like the most?
~warna2 pastel yg lembut

5 color that you dislike the most?
~hijau olive
~light brown
~orange yg terang

5 things that you dream the most
~nak keje dan bg duit kt mak ayah
~lengkap hidup jdi anak pompuan, isteri, ibu, nenek[hahahahhahahahah.......:p]
~nak lihat mak ayah happy
~nak jadi manusia yg bahagia
~nak jadi org terbaik untuk orng2 di sekeliling

5 things that you not dream at all
~hidup yg menyusahkan orng
~gagal dlm hidup
~jadi orang jahat
~tak disukai orng lain
~tu je kot...

5 of your positive character [tah la...aku pakat wat je..hehe]
~rajin [kot?]
~baik [ke?]
~lembut hati[ ke? ]
~tak kisah[certain benda la]

5 of your negative character
~sensitif[cepat je terasa]
~imagination runs wild
~selalu fikir negatif
~cepat terasa
~kdg2 malas

5 moments that you miss the most
~masa sek dolu2
~mase blik kampung
~masa raya ngan sepupu yg bengong
~nak duk dpan tv berebut remote ngan nawal n acin
~time tgh bersenang lenang kt rumah do nothing....

5 moments that you do not want to remember at all?
~ada ke?
~aku pun tak thu...
~takde kot...
~semua nk ingat la....bestttt

5 positive characters of your best buddy [u know who u r...:p]
~hehe...suka pujuk aku bile aku merajuk
~motherly n sisterly
~boleh depend on die bile aku de prob
~teman aku waktu aku sedih n suke

5 negative characters of your best buddy
~aku trima je...
~buruk baik die...hehehe...

5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
~kumpul2 novel2 best2

5 things that you regret the most
~aku suke membazir
~quite boros jgk
~kdg2 rase rendah diri ngan orng
~selalu pk negatif pasal org
~aku selalu wat orng terasa...

Single question

Favorite animal?
~dolphin...teringin nk pegang stu hari nanti...

Favorite quote?
~"tak pasti r weh..."

Favorite actor?
~gary sinise-det. mac taylor in CSI: NY...hehehe

Favorite actress?
~sandra bullock ~ speed...bestttt sgt

Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
~blogging n tgk tv n dgr lagu n baca novel

Favorite website?
~tak kisah...semua suka...

Favorite moment?
~time belajar ni la...bestttttttt

Favorite sport?
~berenang2 di atas katil

Favorite vegetable?
~kubis...aku suke kubis...

Favorite movie?
~the prince and me 1, 2, 3, with love, the last palace, 10 things i hate about you

Tag this to person.
~shikin bunchettt[walaupun die dah wat]

shikin, azreil, luq~ amboi2 panjangnya tag ni...penat wat..mcm nk hantar asaimen pun ade..hehe

till then,

salam n bye bye bye

p/s: takat tu je la nk tulis2 pun...penat r...nk baca2 la dulu...hehe

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