Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2nd day at school: the verdict









aduish, ini bukan lagi jadi cikgu as in real lagi ni, baru je praktikum, aku dah hampir2 nak angkat bendera putih. sabar ye hatiku, lagi beberapa bulan saje lagi, lepas tu MERDEKAAAA!!

actually, it was not that i don't like being at the school or the fact that i don't like to teach, but i guess the exhausted part is the most unbearable for me. it was very tiring having to control a bunch of active homosapiens[let me just call them this, can ah? their enery level is higher that human, you know :P] especially when it involved lower primary school kids.

i really thanked ALLAH for He made it quite easy for me since i got year 3 students to teach English, if not, i'm deadddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

yet, i'm quite happy with myself since i'm able to show my "garang" face when i'm with them although there were some jokes cracked by them which almost made me want to burst into laugh! [aiyoh, cannot tahan la]. just like what the GPK had told us, don't ever show ur "lembut"ness or "baik"ness in front of them especially during 1st and 2nd week, if not they'll bully u! first impression is the utmost important. after that, slowly u'll be able to control anc tackle them step by step.

and yeah, I WILL DEFINITELY FOLLOW THAT, PUAN! muahahahahaha....

another thing which makes me almost got the shock of the day is when they asked me whether i have facebook account! i was like, ya ALLAH, they are really 21st century kids la! so advanced with technology. but, i ended up asking them to googled my name and search if by themselves, if they're able to find it, then just add me [tapi belum tentu lagi sya nak approve la kot, for this time being ..hehe :P]

adeyh, just bear with my practicum story ye my dear readers[bajet mcm ramai org bace "P], ini je yg terdaya untuk dicoretkan buat masa ni.

oklah, i guess i need to continue with my work. need to finish it quick!
tak boleh procrastinate lagi!


p/s: baru hari kedua dah rasa upside down.


siangshian said...

I know you can do it! Hahaha.... Keep your sch updates coming. It's fun to read and share stories and ideas. I haven't taught any classes yet. Will observe one later. Observe pun dah mcm nervous sgt dy. Hahah.

illiii illina said...

heheh...really thanked u for those courage words. nevermind, when u get to teach later, then i'm sure u'll experience new and exciting things especially the students. with all their "kerenah" and all, sya rasa u akan ketawa sorang2 nnti..hehe

btw, GAMBATTE!! we can do it!