Tuesday, July 13, 2010

good evening teacher illi! :P

salam and hi to all,

yes, the title says it all. so, just bear with me if i only brag about how my first day at school was. i know it might sound boring to some of you. heh~~

i don't know how to describe the feeling upon being greeted [the one which i put as the title]by the students form the class which i happened to observed today. i guess it was a mixture of different feelings [can't believe that i'm gonna be a teacher soon, yesss sooonerrrr :P]
and i will still keep on praying hard that my practicum will be a great start for me as a teacher. AMEEN. INSYAALLAH :):)

hari pertama di sekolah, walaupun penat tapi rasanya aku suka kot perasaan penat macam ni. lebih pada perasaan puas lah. kenapa? entahlah, indescribable lah benda-benda macam ni...hehehe.

first impression tu sangat penting dan kadang2 aku rasa aku tersilap menilai certain things. the same goes to the school. mungkin aku rasakan tekanan high expectation dari pihak sekolah and thus, bring myself a bit down. but, selagi kita tak kenal, selagi tu kita tak akan cinta. so, get to know it first before simply making any assumptions.

cikgu2 sangat ok dan friendly dan baik dan helpful dan understanding. GB sangat bermotivasi[kaunselor katakan]. penyelia petang dah selamat ditackle hatinya setelah kitorang set quite a good record for her. penolong kanan yang baik dan friendly. overall, a very condusive working environment. insyaALLAH sentiasa bersangka baik dengan ALLAH dan orang2 sekeliling :)

oklah, nak sambung buat lesson plan [curi msa sebentar]
till then,

salam and bye bye bye

p/s: hoping for a BETTER tomorrow ^_^