not in the mood of writing yet...quite tired but i must say that i had a GREAT FUN at seafield!!
yeah! in fact, this is a very LAST assignment before we move to UM...-_-;
at least, we got to enjoy ourself till the very last moment we were in college...
i'm not really sure whether we still got the chance to conduct any workshop(s) again in the future [can sumone, mybe the senior help me to answer this?....]
oklah, actually today, i dont have any topic in common but i just want to answer some questions...hhahahha i've been tagged by naem...[sori naem, kami jwb lambat skit]
1. Do You Think you're HOT???
HOT?? this word doesn't seem to go with me.....hmmmmmm...
2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda?
3. Kenapa anda suka gambar in?
this is my cohort's picture...i like it very much ^_^
cohort 4-one band one sound one BIG family
4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
pizza? hmm...let's see...somewhere in march...domino's pizza...sedap jgk lah!
5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
boys like girls-the great escape
6. Apa yg sedang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini?
dengar lagu kat no.5 lah!....pastu tgh fikir samada nak hantar reflection tomorrow or next monday....
7. Selain nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan panggilan apa?
my friends used to call me illi, some will call me illina, family calls me Na, anything will do...i'm not really fussy bout it...but, plez i dont like to be call wan!! T.T
8. Tag lagi 6 org *soalan seterusnya ada kaitan dengan orang yang anda tag![susunan mengikut kata hati]
2.radunk chumil
3. su
6.naem lah...hahhah
9. Siapa No.1 pada anda?
my best fren...i know her since the first day i enter college..heheh...almost 4 years we've been fren...dia seorang yg bunchet...=p
10. Org No.3 ada hubungan dengan sesiapa? number 3 yer...ada2 tapi bf die kt kampung..namanya idzham...[su, ye ke kak ili eja nih?]
11. Kata sesuatu berkenaan org no.5
she's also my classmate...since foundation lgi..hehe...almost 4 years we are studying in the same class...riena, boring ke tgk saya? hahhahha
12.Bagaimana dengan org No.4?
lanie? she's my eldest sister...we are quite close...selalu jgk datang kl n kitorang pegi shopping sama2..hahah..dua2 kepala gila skit bab2 shopping nih!!...=p
13.Siapa org No.2?
person no 1's boyfriend...hehhe...bajet chumil la konon....huhu...dua2 pun bunchetttt ...heheh...jgn marah ye =D
14. Bagi pesanan pada org No.6
naem, tu la kami dah ckp, jgn wat cmtu kat kami...tgk apa dah jdi pada hampa tadi kat skool...kan dah susah...=p
ok lah!
i think that's all for now
got to go...nak wat reflection for writing
till then,
salam and bye bye bye
p/s: i'll update anything later k...
hmpa bg nasihat kt kami la kan..
kami saja ja suka mengusik hampa:p
kami suka tgok kalo hampa kalut!
tak bek oo wat cmtu kt kami...nanti jadi apa2 lagi tak tau..huhuh [kami pun sja ja lawak2]
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